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Manual: Enrollment

Every student who attends school must be correctly enrolled and registered in Skyward. Membership and enrollment records are submitted to the Utah State Board of Education for each student based off of the information entered in Skyward. Funds for the school district are allocated through formulas based on membership and average daily attendance. It is extremely important that student attendance and membership data is entered accurately. 

In general:

  • A student’s “date of entry” is the first day the student will be in class.
  • A student leaving the school should be withdrawn the day after their last day of attendance using the proper exit code.
  • Schools should print and review a Membership report from Skyward at least once per quarter:
    • Check that each student attending the school is listed on the Membership Report by checking entry and exit dates on the logs and/or a Student Information Report.
    • Add the name of any student not listed on your report who is or has been enrolled at your school and is on a class roll up to and including the end of the quarter. Place the names at the end of the grade level listing and make the appropriate Skyward entry.
    • Withdraw any student who has attended but has since exited by drawing a line through the name and make the appropriate Skyward entry.
    • Watch for duplicate information.
Enrollment Documents

When a student enrolls, the following documents are required:

  • Original birth certificate or “other reliable proof” with a notarized affidavit.
  • Immunization history
  • Two documents demonstrating residency
  • Parent photo ID

All of the above - except for parent photo ID - can be submitted electronically through New Student Online Enrollment. When submitted electronically, a digital copy of the original document is acceptable. When documents are submitted in hard copy, certified original documents are required.

Birth Certificate

Students enrolling for the first time in a Jordan School District school are required to provide an original or certified copy of the student’s birth certificate at the time of enrollment. The birth certificate is the record of the student’s legal name and age and, when combined with a parent/guardian’s photo ID, is the only way to prove that the parent/guardian has legal rights to the child.

In rare cases, when an original or certified copy of the student’s birth certificate cannot be obtained, other reliable documents may be provided as proof of birth. Passports and visas may not be accepted as proof of birth as they do not prove the connection between parent and child. Other reliable proof includes (but not limited to): taxes, consular report of birth abroad, midwife certificate, religious blessing or baptismal records, affidavits from government officials, etc., all of which can provide proof of the student’s name and age. When a document other than the birth certificate is provided, an affidavit must be included explaining the inability to produce a copy of the birth certificate.

If a birth certificate is not available at the time of enrollment, a 30-day grace period is available to allow the custodial legal parent(s) or guardian(s) time to obtain the necessary documents. 

There is a process available when the parent asserts that the available birth certificate or other documentation does not accurately reflect the student’s age. Contact Planning & Enrollment for additional help in this situation. 

When students transfer between schools in Jordan School District, the receiving school should verify that the birth certificate was properly received and scanned into the digital cumulative folder by the previous school; if the documents were saved correctly, the parent does not need to provide a new copy.

If a birth certificate is not provided at enrollment, the school should:

  • Inform the legal custodial parent(s) or guardian(s) enrolling the student that an original or certified copy of the student’s birth certificate or other reliable proof must be provided within 30 days, and:
  • Fill out and send the Birth Certificate Requirement 30-day grace period letter. Retain a copy at the school.
  • Enroll the student. There is no need to send the legal custodial parent(s) or guardian(s) registering a kindergarten student without a birth certificate to Planning and Enrollment.
  • If the legal custodial parent(s) or guardian(s) enrolling the student provides an original or certified copy of the birth certificate within 30 days, compliance has been achieved.

If the legal custodial parent(s) or guardian(s) enrolling the student provides “other reliable proof”:

  • An Affidavit of Birth should be filled out by the guardian explaining the inability to produce a copy of the birth certificate.
  • The “other reliable proof” must provide reliable confirmation of the student’s identity (name, age, connection to the parent).
  • The parent/guardian should only be referred to Planning and Enrollment if the “other reliable proof” is not one of the categories already listed on the Affidavit of Birth.

If the reliable proof is not provided or is not sufficient, the school shall proceed with the 10-Day Letter and all subsequent steps.

If the legal custodial parent or guardian enrolling the student fails to provide the required documents within the 30-day grace period, the school shall notify the person in writing that unless they comply within 10 days, the case shall be referred to the local law enforcement authority for investigation. The school shall keep the student enrolled, and:

  • Complete the Birth Certificate 10-day letter and send it to the legal custodial parent or guardian who enrolled the student. Retain a copy at the school in the student’s cumulative folder.
  • If compliance is not obtained within that 10-day period, the school shall refer the case to the local law enforcement authority for investigation. The school will keep the student enrolled.
  • The school shall also immediately report any birth certificate that appears inaccurate or suspicious to the local law enforcement agency.
Legal Name

The full legal name as it appears (first, middle, and last) on the birth certificate shall be entered in its entirety in Skyward, including the full middle name. If a birth certificate does not designate which name is the first, middle or last, the rule is:

  • First Name = First letter from the left until first space
  • John Jacob Jingle-Heimer Smith, John is the first name
  • Eva Maria Gonzales-Espinosa Del Pino San Marco, Eva is the first name
  • Last name = First letter from the far right left to the first space
  • John Jacob Jingle-Heimer Smith, Smith is the last name
  • Eva Maria Gonzales-Espinosa Del Pino San Marco, San Marco is the last name
  • When the last name is commonly two parts, include both parts, ie. Van Horten, San Mateo
  • Middle name = Everything between the first name and last name
  • John Jacob Jingle-Heimer Smith, Jacob Jingle-Heimer is the middle name
  • Eva Maria Gonzales-Espinosa Del Pino San Marco, Maria Gonzales-Espinoza Del Pino is the middle name.

If the full name does not fit in Skyward, enter a "General Note" on the Profile tab in Skyward with the student's full name. Call or email Information Systems so that they can update the student's name on the SSID system based on the full name that was entered in the notes.

All permanent records, membership reports and transcripts must reflect the student’s full legal name. An alternate form of the name recorded on the birth certificate may be entered in the “Other Name” field of Skyward upon written request from a parent/guardian. The written request should be saved in the digital cumulative folder.

If a student’s name is added incorrectly, edit the profile screen and correct the name information. This will update all the necessary systems associated with that name. If a student record has been duplicated because of incorrectly added birth certificate information, contact Information Systems to merge the duplicate data. A student name change should not take place in Skyward without verification from an original or certified copy of the birth certificate, court documentation, or a Name Change Affidavit. If you have a student that has had a name change, enter a General Note on the Skyward Profile tab showing what the name was and what it changed to. You can also add any details in the Comment Field. Call or email Information Systems to update the name on the student’s SSID.

Name Change Affidavit

Utah Administrative Code R277-419-10(4) allows schools to use a name other than what appears on a birth certificate provided the parent/legal guardian avers that there is a compelling need to protect their child. When the parent/legal guardian requests such action, schools shall provide them with the “Name Change Affidavit and Certification” form. Once the form is completed and notarized it is returned to the school and the change is made in Skyward as though the student’s birth certificate had been changed. Upload the original to the student’s cumulative folder and provide a copy for the parent/legal guardian.

The new name identified on the form will be used as the official name designated on Jordan School District’s official transcripts and records. The “Name Change Affidavit and Certification” form does NOT constitute a legal name change.

After the name is changed in Skyward the school must contact Information Systems to update the student’s state SSID information.

Sex & Gender

There are currently two fields in Skyward where information about sex and gender are recorded: “GENDER” and “GENDER IDENTITY.” The definitions of these fields for Skyward may not necessarily match how staff, students, and patrons understand and use the terms.

GENDER: This field has the same legal definition as “SEX” or “BIOLOGICAL SEX” or “SEX ASSIGNED AT BIRTH”. This field must match the sex marker on the student’s legal birth certificate and may only be changed when the sex marker on the legal birth certificate is officially changed.

GENDER IDENTITY: This field will be blank by default and will not necessarily be the same as “SEX”. It can be updated by a parent/guardian (through the summer registration process or through written parent/guardian request to school administration) to show the student’s preferred or expressed gender identity. Please note that this field does not override any other fields in Skyward and the value of the “GENDER” field described above will display on class rosters and other reports.

Proof of Residency Documentation

Utah law (§53G-6-302) requires a parent or guardian to show proof of residency in the district and school boundary where the student is enrolling. Upon registration, a parent/guardian must provide two (2) proof of residency documents, one each from Columns A and B of the table below. All documents must show the name of a parent/guardian and a current address within the boundaries of the school where the parent/guardian is attempting to enroll the student.

Two documents from column A are sufficient for demonstrating residency; however, no more than 1 document from column B may be used. 

Column A (1 or 2 documents) Column B (No more than 1 document)
  • Property deed. The deed must be for a primary residential property, not for investment or commercial property.
  • Mortgage statement from the most recent billing period.
  • Lease and payment record from the most recent billing period.
  • Government photo ID with current address.
  • Notarized Affidavit of Occupancy or Rental
  • Other documentation, as approved by Planning & Enrollment or School Administration
  • Pay stub
  • Bank or credit card statement
  • Utility bill
  • Vehicle registration
  • Voter registration documentation
  • Church or religious records, including a notarized affidavit from a local congregation leader affirming that the parent resides within boundaries.
  • Other documentation, as approved by Planning & Enrollment or School Administration

If there are concerns with the provided documentation, a third document may be requested at the direction of school administration; however, requiring three documents should NOT be standard practice. Updated documentation can and should be requested when a parent/guardian submits a change of address request or when school administrators believe the family’s residency status has changed.

If the parent/guardian declares during enrollment that the family is homeless and qualifies for services under McKinney-Vento, the declaration covers BOTH residency document requirements. No further documentation can or should be requested from the parent or guardian and the student should be enrolled immediately. After enrollment, if there are concerns about eligibility for McKinney-Vento services, the school may coordinate with the district McKinney-Vento liaison for further assistance. 

If a parent/guardian is unable to produce any proof of residency documentation, the school should contact Planning & Enrollment for further assistance.

Copies of the residency documents do not need to be scanned and uploaded to the student’s cumulative folder. If the parent uploads the documentation as part of the New Student Online Enrollment process, those documents may be left in the digital cumulative folder.

Schools should not make a practice of calling leasing or management offices to ask to verify enrollment. If there are concerns about the validity of documents provided, the parent/guardian can be asked to provide 1-2 additional documents (with a preference for documents in Column A). 

Schools may audit or review residency status by asking the parent/guardian to provide updated documentation as needed (such as in response to returned mail, a parent/guardian request to change address, reports from the student that the family no longer lives in boundary, or other reliable information). The District does not otherwise require guardians to resubmit residency documents during their enrollment at the same school.

Enrollment Processes

There are three student types used in the district to identify students in Skyward and for State Reporting:

  • A “Regular” student is one who is attending only Jordan School District,
  • A “Home Taught” student is a student who has any reduction in their daily schedule to be taught at home,
  • A “Private” student is one who has any reduction in their daily schedule to attend part of the day at a private school.

When a student is enrolled in Skyward, the “Enrollment Information” screen will default to “Regular” student (REG).  If a student is home taught for any portion of the day (HT), or goes to private school for any portion of the day (PV), the Entry/Withdraw tab in the Skyward Student Profile screen shall be edited to reflect the different student types.

Kindergarten Enrollment

Children seeking to enter school must be five (5) years of age before September 2nd of the year admission is sought. The only exception is for a military student who does not meet the deadline if the student has previously attended kindergarten or a higher grade as a resident in another state. “Military child” means a child enrolled in kindergarten through grade twelve who is legally residing in the household of an active duty service member or whose parent or legal guardian is an active duty service member.

If the legal custodial parent/guardian of a student who meets the kindergarten age requirement requests placement in first grade without the student having previously finished a full year of kindergarten, the student shall be enrolled in kindergarten. Evaluation of students for placement in first grade prior to their actual enrollment in kindergarten shall be considered following JSD District Policy AS64 - Student Retention and Acceleration. District guidelines for acceleration of students must be followed in these cases. 

A parent may decide their kindergarten-age student is not mature enough to enter school even though they meet the age criteria set by state law. In this case, the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) may keep the child home and enroll them in kindergarten the following year.

First through Twelfth Grade Enrollment

At the legal custodial parent(s) or guardian(s) request, a student who finishes a full year of kindergarten in another state or in a private school may enter first grade if they are 5 years of age or older before September 2nd of the school year in which enrollment is sought. (Parents may also request that they are enrolled in kindergarten in this same scenario.) A child may be placed in first grade even though the child did not meet the entry day for kindergarten the previous year if a full year of kindergarten was completed in another state or private school, and there is convincing evidence that the child has the social, emotional and academic skills necessary to succeed in first grade (JSD Policy AS63 - Student Eligibility to Attend School). It is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to provide such evidence.

If a student is returning to a Jordan District school from a Utah public charter school, the parent/guardian should give notice to the Jordan District school on or before June 30th. If notice is not given, the student may still be enrolled provided the school has adequate capacity in the student’s grade level or required core classes (§53G-6-503). If school administration feels that they do not have adequate capacity to re-enroll the student, they must receive clearance from their Administrator of Schools prior to denying the enrollment request.

If someone other than the legal guardian is enrolling the student, a “Verification of Guardianship” form is required from Planning and Enrollment. A durable power of attorney (DPA) alone is not sufficient to establish guardianship.

Home school or private school students may dual enroll in their Jordan District boundary school but must attend less than half time. The “Grade Placement” guidelines shall be used when home or private school students enroll full-time in their Jordan District boundary school.

Charter and online school students are eligible to participate in extracurricular and/or co-curricular activities at their Jordan District boundary school (less than ½ time) provided the extracurricular or co-curricular activity is not offered by the student's charter or online school and provided they meet all other requirements as outlined in Utah Code §53G-6-702 and R277-494-3-5. 

Students who are homeless are allowed immediate enrollment in their proper grade and are not excluded based on their ability to present the necessary documentation. Homeless students may enroll in their current boundary school, the school the child last attended or the school they attended before they lost their housing.


Pre-enrolled students are “brand-new” students who enroll at the school and plan to attend the following school year. These students are not “promoted” or “pre- transferred” from another school. They are added to Skyward using the “Add” button or brought in to Skyward during the Online Enrollment process. Schools may begin to pre-enroll students after the next year's calendars have been created and posted in Skyward (usually sometime in January).

When a student is pre-enrolled, mark these fields as follows:

  • Current Status – Inactive
  • Next Year Status – Active
  • Use the student's current year grade (i.e. P4 for kindergarten). Skyward automatically figures the grade level by the student’s birthdate.
  • Enrollment Date - Use the first day of school enrollment; not the first day of student attendance.

Preschool Students to Kindergarten: Do not pre-enroll students who are currently active at school 800. The Skyward system will automatically pre-transfer the student to their boundary school or the preschool will promote the student to the appropriate school.

Pre-enrolled Kindergarten: The kindergarten enrollment process is done through New Student Online Enrollment or at the entity the kindergarten student will attend. If you wish to enroll a kindergarten student who already shows a pre-enrollment record at another school, contact the school that has the enrollment record to let them know the kindergarten student will attend your school in the fall, and then contact Information Systems to delete the original enrollment record, so the student may then enroll at your school. (Pre-enrolled records cannot be pre-transferred.)

Proof of Residency: Proof of residency is not required at the time of pre-enroll, but is required once the new school year begins. This is the law. A proof of residency is also required for all address changes.

900 School Students: Do not pre-enroll students who are currently active at 900 schools. Student Services will promote (pre-transfer) the student to your school. Call Student Services when necessary.

Best Practice: It would be wise to do a district search for the student at Entity 000 in Skyward or on the state UTREX system to see if the student has an existing student number. It is very important to use student numbers which have already been assigned to students.

Reminder: Pre-enrolled students cannot be “promoted” or “pre-transferred” to another school.

Pre-Transfers and School Path

A “pre-transfer” is a Skyward utility which “transfers” a student enrollment record from one school to another for the upcoming school year. This new enrollment record allows the next year’s school to do future enrollment counts and future scheduling.  Each year the nightly pre-transfer utility becomes available in January. The “School Path” tab in the Skyward Student system is the screen the program uses to determine the pre-transfer.

The student criteria for a pre-transfer includes:

  • Any student in any grade at any entity
  • The student’s current status is “active”
  • The student’s next year’s status is either “active” or “inactive”

The School Path screen criteria for a pre-transfer includes:

  • The student must have either a “CY Path” or a “Next Year School”
  • If there is a “Next Year School” the student will pre-transfer to that school
  • If there is no “Next Year School” the student will remain in their default entity until their grade moves them to the next school level, using the CY Path

The school a student is currently attending (the default school) is responsible for enrollment, and therefore responsible for the School Path tab. Once a student is enrolled, check the School Path tab for accuracy.  The School Path tab should be changed only when a permit is produced, although there are some exceptions which are on a case-by-case basis:

  • If a student plans to move during summer break to another school in the district, do not change the School Path tab or the student’s address until after the last day of school. If a student has an address outside your school boundary at any time during the school year, a permit is required.
  • Planning & Enrollment keeps track of some Jordan District boundary students who attend schools outside our district at an entity in Skyward named 904 (Out of District). When enrolling a student, if you find that they are active in the 904 Entity, notify Planning & Enrollment to either pre-transfer or withdraw the student. This allows you to enroll the student at your entity with an accurate student number and SSID number.
  • If a student plans to attend a 904 (Out of District) school next year, the default school may change the School Path screen to reflect that. Enter the school number (charter, other district, etc.) the student is promoting to in the “Next Year School” field and change it to “Manual Override”. Note that parents may tell you they are sending their student to a charter or private school, but unless they are truly accepted, don’t do the pre-transfer.
  • If you are certain that a student is leaving Jordan School District at the end of the school year, enter “999” in the “Next Year School” field and click “Manual Override”. This will prevent the student’s record from being promoted back to your school.
  • If a student plans to be home taught the following year, notify Planning & Enrollment.
Enrollment Releases

Students requesting a partial schedule outside of school for credit-bearing academic study, for specialized training, medical accommodations, or other special circumstances need to complete the “Student Enrollment Release” form with the student’s counselor and principal. The reduced schedule and enrollment percentage should be updated in Skyward.

After the release is completed and signed, the student shall be withdrawn and re-enrolled (a Skyward "status change") at the lower percentage and marked as part-time in Skyward (make the student "part-time" in the Entity tab and reduce the enrollment percentage with a "status change" in the Entry/Withdrawal tab). Contact Planning & Enrollment if you need assistance in navigating these changes.

If the part-time enrollment began on the first day of school, there is no need to do a "Status Change" in the Skyward Entry/Withdrawal tab. Instead, edit the enrollment record. The Entity tab will need to be changed in Skyward as well, to reflect the "part-time" enrollment. Using the "Status Change" button in the Entry/Withdrawal tab is only necessary when a student has already been attending school, and their status changes during the school year.

Additional Guidelines

During release time from school, students are not allowed on campus for any reason without prior administrative approval.

The parent/guardian assumes full responsibility for the student’s transportation and safety as they leave or return from their release time.

The school is not responsible for any financial compensation for instruction or services provided to the student during release time; the student is required to pay full fees, if applicable.

If the release time is for non-academic reasons, the parent/guardian must agree to provide instruction in the curriculum and content areas that are missed when the student is released from school.

The parent/guardian and student assume all responsibility for the student’s progress for completing courses taken at locations other than the regular school, particularly if the courses taken are for academic credit. The parent/guardian and student are also responsible for reporting earned grades and credits to the school by submitting official school documents for recording on transcripts and tracking for graduation requirements.

In order for credit to be granted, the release time schools must be accredited from a nationally accredited body recognized by the Utah State Office of Education. The parent/guardian is responsible to ensure this occurs.

Coordination and communication is expected between the home and school to ensure quality instruction when a student is on a release time program.

Schools and the parent/guardian need to determine if any IEP, SEP, or PCCR revisions need to be made to assure the student’s educational needs are met. The school is allowed to conduct evaluations or testing to monitor the progress of the student as they remain in the release time program.

If a secondary student wishes to discontinue release time and return to a full day of school, they may do so only at the beginning of the next quarter.

If concerns or problems become apparent regarding the progress and adjustment of the student in the program, it may be necessary to further evaluate, modify, or terminate the student’s release time program.

Secondary Student Releases

A student may be released for one period each day (no form required) for religious instruction, without reduced funding to the school, if the release is accounted for in the IEP/SEP/SEOP. Seminary release time is included in the SEOP at registration.

A student who is only enrolled in two classes should not be given a schedule with two traditional classes and 5 or 6 "ed release" classes in order to remain 100% enrolled.

Elementary Student Releases

Elementary schools will most frequently use "Option 2 - Change to Hours" on the release form. You will enter the number of hours missed (as a decimal rounded to the nearest quarter-hour or 0.25) in the first box and the number of times per week the release will happen. The form will calculate the percentage enrollment that should be entered in Skyward. If a release will happen less frequently than weekly, contact Planning & Enrollment for guidance.

If the percentage enrolled calculates out to 95% or higher, the release is fairly small. The parent may wish to leave the student 100% enrolled and check the student out following established school procedures.

Grade Placement

When a student enrolls in Jordan School District, they are placed in a grade according to their age, including students who enroll from another state or country. Exceptions include:

  • A military child who does not meet the deadline but has previously attended kindergarten or a higher grade as a resident in another state. In these cases, the District will honor the placement from the previous state upon submission of documentation. “Military child” means a child enrolled in kindergarten through grade twelve who is legally residing in the household of an active duty service member or whose parent or legal guardian is an active duty service member (§53G-6-402 and §53E-3-902).
  • A student who was accelerated or retained in a previous school or district within the state of Utah. District schools will honor the acceleration or retention upon submission of documentation. Acceleration or retention requests for students enrolling in Jordan District for the first time may be considered only after the student has been enrolled according to their age and appropriate time has been given for observations (usually about six (6) weeks).
  • A student who was home schooled: Students who were home schooled can be placed based on the parent’s request. Examples include:
    • The student attended a public school in 7th grade but was in home school for 8th grade. The parent/guardian requests placement in 8th grade. The school would place the student according to the request.
    • The student attended public school in 7th grade but was in home school for 8th grade. The parent/guardian states that the student completed both 8th and 9th grade during the past school year, and requests placement in 10th grade. The school would place the student according to the request. See the “Grade Placement of a Student Returning from Home School” form.
  • The student has never been in an education setting. The student should be placed according to their age. Placing students in grades other than their age-appropriate placement to compensate for any educational (including language) advancement or deficit should be avoided. In such cases, acceleration/retention testing may be completed to address such concerns..
  • The student is coming from an education setting outside of the U.S. The student should be placed according to their age. In most cases this is the most appropriate placement for the child. If the parent/guardian communicates disagreement with this or if the school sees obvious indicators that the student has been misplaced, acceleration/retention testing may be conducted for proper grade placement if the student is age-eligible to enroll in public school in Utah.
  • Student enrolling in the first grade but didn’t meet the entry date for Kindergarten the previous year. A student may be enrolled in the first grade even though the child did not meet the entry date for kindergarten the previous year, provided:
    • A full year of kindergarten was successfully completed in another state or private school (not daycare or preschool), and
    • The parent/guardian provides convincing evidence that the child has the academic, social and emotional skills necessary to succeed in first grade, and
    • The parent/guardian provides a statement from the previous school which verifies the student’s successful completion of the kindergarten curriculum.

Jordan School District does NOT enroll:

  • Any student who has previously received a diploma.
  • Any student who is not five (5) years of age before September 2nd of the year they will be entering school (R277-419-2).

If the parent(s) or legal guardian(s) disagree with the student’s placement they may request acceleration or retention testing.

Acceleration and Retention

Student acceleration or retention may be considered for students when requested in writing by the parent/guardian. Requests for accelerations or retentions are made at the local school. Acceleration or retention requests for students enrolling in Jordan District for the first time without accompanying documentation and evidence should typically be considered only after the student has been enrolled according to their age and appropriate time has been given for observations (usually about six weeks).

A team composed of a school administrator, parent/guardian, teachers, and guidance personnel will consider and evaluate individual patterns of growth for each requested acceleration/retention. Research indicates that an inappropriate acceleration or retention is more harmful than beneficial. For this reason, decisions regarding student acceleration or retention are made only after the students physical, emotional, intellectual, behavioral and social maturity has been assessed and reviewed by the school team. The data, as outlined below, is collected and considered in the evaluation of each student. Decisions to accelerate or retain a student is the responsibility of the school team under the direction of the school administrator.

English Language Learner (ELL) acceleration or retention should not be initiated prior to consultation with the Bilingual Psychologist in the Alternative Language Services Department. The Bilingual Psychologist will coordinate necessary evaluations after determining the linguistic and cultural appropriateness of the request to retain or accelerate.

Students with an active Special Education placement and individual learning plan (IEP) should not be considered for acceleration or retention prior to consultation with the student’s case manager and the Department of Special Education.

Kindergarten Students:

If a student is completing Kindergarten and will repeat Kindergarten next year, no retention packet is required. Obtain a written request from the parent/guardian. 

Students cannot advance over kindergarten and enter first grade without first enrolling in kindergarten and allowing appropriate time for observation and evaluation.

Data Collection Guidelines

Grades 1 - 8:

  • The student’s academic ability and social, emotional, and physical maturity should be considered. Pre-existing sources of data may be used if the evaluation team considers them relevant to the request. Wherever possible, assessments from the parent (including anecdotal observations) and classroom observations should be included.
  • When the evaluation team determines that an intelligence test is appropriate, it is recommended that a Wechsler Intelligence Test, which is age-appropriate, be administered. However, the school guidance personnel may elect to administer an alternate intelligence test. Use of a screening instrument, such as the Slosson Intelligence Test, is not considered to be sufficient. To consider acceleration, the IQ should fall within the superior or very superior range of intelligence. A score of 125 is considered minimal.
  • A norm-referenced achievement battery, criterion-referenced test, as well as informal assessment by the classroom teacher should be administered to determine the student’s readiness levels and skills. The student should be performing above the 96th percentile in most of the academic areas in order to be considered for acceleration.
  • The student should be in the top 3% of his/her class (grade at school) academically and intellectually to be considered for acceleration.
  • When acceleration involves moving to another level, there must be approval and involvement from the receiving school administrator, i.e., a sixth grade elementary student promoted to a seventh grade middle school.
  • Children with learning disabilities or intellectual handicaps should not be considered for retention.

Grades 9-12:

Retention/acceleration in grades 9-12 may only be considered in extreme cases. If circumstances warrant retention consideration, guidelines listed under Grades K-8 should be followed. There is no provision for additional years of athletic eligibility after three consecutive years. If a student has not graduated after three years and still desires to graduate, the fourth year will be offered through adult education programs, not the regular high school.

Completed accelerations and/or retentions should be recorded in Skyward with a copy of the final form submitted to Planning & Enrollment.

Open Enrollment / School Choice Permits

Students who wish to attend a school other than their resident boundary school may submit an early and/or late enrollment permit application to transfer to a school they wish to attend (JSD Policy AS93 - Open Enrollment/School Choice and §53G-6-401-407). Decisions regarding the acceptance of permits are made at the local school. Permit applications are submitted electronically using the web link provided by the district. The link may be found on individual school web pages or on the Planning and Enrollment website. 

If a permit is offered and accepted, the parent/guardian is responsible for transportation to and from the new school. 

Permits determine residency and cannot be used to track programs (such as Dual Immersion or ALPS). Only students who attend a non-resident school (out of boundary) require a permit. 

Students enrolled using the McKinney-Vento Homeless Act shall not be placed on a permit regardless of the program or school.

Early Enrollment Period

Permit applications submitted November 15th through the first (1st) Friday of February for the following school year are determined using the “90% capacity” of the school rule. The school must notify the student’s parents of acceptance or rejection within six (6) weeks of receipt of the application, or by March 31st, whichever is later. Notifications may be delayed due to circumstances affecting the board’s ability to determine the enrollment capacity of a school.

Late Enrollment Period

Schools are not required to accept permit applications submitted after the first (1st) Friday of February for the following school year (or any permit application for the current school year). If permits are to be offered, the school must use the “adjusted capacity” of the school in determining if seats are available. The adjusted capacity is the total number of students who could be served in a school if each teacher were to have a class size based on the staffing ratio for each grade level (§53G-6-401). Late enrollment permit acceptance is determined by the staffing ratio as follows:

  • Elementary schools use the student to teacher ratio for each grade level to determine if there is space available.
  • Secondary schools use the student to teacher ratio for each core class within each grade level to determine if space is available.

The school shall notify the student’s parents of acceptance or rejection within two (2) weeks of receipt of the application, or by the Friday before the new school year begins, whichever is later. If the application is for the current school year, the school shall notify the parent(s) within two (2) weeks of receipt of the application. Notifications may be delayed due to circumstances affecting the board’s ability to determine the enrollment capacity of a school.

Submission & Approval Guidelines

The permit process is as follows:

  • A permit is submitted online through the School Choice Application.
  • The first-choice school verifies the information of each permit application for accuracy and completeness.
  • The first-choice school resolves all “duplicate” record issues.
  • The first-choice school approves the request. This will allow the permit request to be processed.
  • Planning and Enrollment will process all school approved permit requests.
    • Processed permits are placed on the requested schools’ waitlist.
    • Permit data is uploaded to Skyward for “seated” students.
  • Schools then offer seats to waitlisted permits based on the permit criteria and available seats. Students are offered permit seats according to their position on the waitlist.
  • Schools communicate waitlisted or seat placement to permit requestor(s).
  • Schools verify Skyward data for each student awarded a permit (“seated”).

The following items MAY be considered when determining if a school is able to offer a permit seat to a student.

  • For an elementary, the capacity of the grade level;
  • Not offering, or having capacity in, an elementary or secondary special education or other special program the student requires;
  • Maintenance of reduced class sizes (Title I, or school trust money used to reduce class sizes);
  • Willingness of prospective students to comply with district policies; and
  • Giving priority to intradistrict transfers over interdistrict transfers.
  • If the students has committed a serious infraction of the law of school rules;
  • If the student has been guilty of chronic misbehavior which would, if it were to continue after the student was admitted:
    • Endanger persons or property;
    • Cause serious disruptions in the school; or
    • Place unreasonable burdens on school staff.

The following items MAY NOT be considered when determining if a school is able to offer a permit seat to a student.

  • Previous academic achievement;
  • Athletic or other extracurricular ability;
  • The fact that the student requires special education services for which space is available;
  • Proficiency in the English language; or
  • Previous disciplinary proceedings, except as explained above.

Students with Disabilities Permit Requests

A student with disabilities may be considered for enrollment if all of the following criteria are met:

  • The student can be served on the current staffing pattern in the Special Education Department without the addition of staff or services.
  • The addition does not exceed the school’s existing caseload capacity.
  • Space is available at the school.
  • Space is available at the student’s grade level at the school.
  • Once a transfer request is granted, the student may continue to attend the school until completion.
Conditions and Limits on Permits

Students who are granted school choice transfer requests shall be permitted to remain enrolled in a school subject to the same rules and standards as resident students, without renewed applications in subsequent years unless one of the following occurs:

  • The parent/guardian chooses to return to the boundary school or another school;
  • The student graduates;
  • The student is no longer a Utah resident;
  • The student is suspended or expelled from school; or
  • The district determines that enrollment within the school will exceed the school’s open enrollment threshold.
Revoking a Permit

A “Revoke Permit Custom Form" in Skyward shall be used for any student whose current year permit is revoked. The school is responsible to see that the School Path screen is updated (the permit code removed and the record changed back to “Computer Generated”). Instructions for the "Revoke Permit Custom Form" may be found on the School Resources web page.

Prior to the Skyward student permit upload, it is permissible to use PowerSchool to revoke a permit, with either the “Remove from Waitlist/Seated List” in the School Choice Workspace or the “Discard Record” link in the Submission Workspace.

It is not necessary to revoke 6th grade or 9th grade permits. Permits are automatically revoked when a student moves to the next level of school.

Provisional Enrollment Permits

A student with prior behavioral problems may be granted provisional enrollment provided the student and parent sign an agreement with the school or the school district:

  • Establishing the conditions of continued enrollment; and
  • Notifying the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the student that the student will be excluded from the school if the agreement is violated.

The school or school district is responsible for the agreement as allowed under §53G-6-403(3)(b). A copy of a Provisional Enrollment Behavior Contract can be found on the School Resources web page

A permit cannot be provisional based on a period or window of time. Permits cannot be issued "until the end of the year", "until a home is built", or "until the family moves".

Dual Enrollment

USBE Board Rule allows three types of dual enrollment:

  1. R277-419-5(1) allows a student to enroll in two or more LEAs at the discretion of each LEA.
  2. R277-438 defines the requirements and guidelines for dual enrollment between public school and home or private school.
  3. R277-494 defines the requirements and guidelines for charter school, private school, online school, and/or home school student participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

Students in the first category enrolling at two more or LEAs at the same time must not exceed 100% enrollment across all LEAs. Jordan School District will claim “school of residence” when the student’s enrollment exceeds 50%.

Students in the second category may enroll in classes up to 49.9% (less than half-time). At half-time, the student’s status would change to be primarily enrolled in Jordan School District. These students pay registration fees (prorated based on their enrollment percentage) and class fees like any other student and are subject to the same behavior and discipline rights and requirements as a full-time student.

High school students may enroll in courses that are only offered at other Jordan District high schools if space is available. This enrollment should be coordinated through the school counselor and may require reducing overall enrollment to allow for travel time between schools. 

Students enrolled at Valley High School seeking a 24-credit diploma will not be allowed to dual enroll in a regular high school that requires a 5 or 27 credit diploma. Dual enrollment at a regular high school and the alternative high school is not allowed due to the differences in credit requirements and funding support. (Credit Guidelines Booklet, page 7, Section I.D.5).

Charter/Online Participation in Extra/Co-Curricular Activities

A charter or online student may participate in extracurricular and/or co-curricular activities as following the guidelines in R277-494-3 and §53G-6-704 to 705.

A charter or online school student is eligible to participate in an extracurricular activity not offered by the student’s charter school at their boundary (qualifying) school provided:

  1. The student meets the qualifying school’s standards and requirements;
  2. The student’s parent agrees to provide transportation;
  3. The student’s charter or online school school of enrollment pays a one-time annual school participation fee of $75.00 per student to the qualifying school at which the student desires to participate;
  4. The student provides a letter of acknowledgment from the charter or online school;
  5. Upon receipt of the annual payment, the student may participate in the activity at the school during the school year for which the student is qualified and eligible;
  6. The charter or online student participating in the extracurricular activity shall pay all required student activity specific fees to the qualifying school (For additional fee information, go to;
  7. If the charter or online student qualifies for a fee waiver, the charter or online school of enrollment shall pay the school participation fee and any waived student activity specific fees to the qualifying school; and
  8. All fees, including school participation fees and student activity fees shall be paid prior to participation in the activity at the local school.

A charter or online school student is eligible to participate in co-curricular activities (up to three) not offered by the student’s charter school at their boundary (qualifying) school provided:

  1. There is room in the desired course(s) for the charter or online student;
  2. The student meets the qualifying school’s standards and requirements;
  3. The student’s parent agrees to provide transportation;
  4. The student meets the same attendance, discipline, and course requirements expected of any full-time student;
  5. The charter or online school shall determine if the school will allow students to participate in co-curricular courses at the qualifying school;
  6. The qualifying school shall obtain a letter of acknowledgment from the charter or online school;
  7. The student’s charter or online school of enrollment pays a one-time annual school participation fee of $75.00 per student to the qualifying school at which the student desires to participate;
  8. Upon receipt of the annual payment, the student may participate in the activity at the school during the school year for which the student is qualified and eligible;
  9. The charter or online student participating in the co-curricular activity shall pay all required student activity specific fees to the qualifying school (for additional fee information, go to;
  10. If the charter or online student qualifies for a fee waiver, the charter or online school of enrollment shall pay the school participation fee and any waived student activity specific fees to the qualifying school; and
  11. All fees, including school participation fees and student activity fees shall be paid prior to participation in the activity at the local school.
YIC Student Enrollment

It is imperative that any parent, guardian or caseworker of a Youth in Custody student contact the District’s Student Support Services Department prior to enrolling a student in a Jordan District school. A Youth in Custody student is one who is in the custody of the State of Utah through the Department of Human Services, or an equivalent agency of a Native American tribe where the legal guardian resides within the state, or who are being held in a juvenile detention facility (Utah Code §53E-3-503). These students are placed at a particular school within the district after an extensive intake evaluation is provided through our Jordan School District Youth in Care Department. Once the evaluation is complete, the YIC Specialist will provide the school with all the necessary documentation required to properly enroll the student. At this time the student may then be enrolled with a District assigned permit code of “H”.

A YIC student may reside with a legal guardian in a foster family or a group home, although there may be cases where a student is living in a group home and the parent is still the legal guardian. Be aware of these situations; a YIC student’s enrollment is processed differently than a student who was sent to a group home by their legal guardian (and not by the state).

When enrolling a YIC student in a foster family or group home, the foster family/group home becomes Family #1 in Skyward, and the caseworker is Family #2. When the student is no longer in that foster family/group home, remove them from the household; do not delete the household. Do not remove a student from a household unless they are assigned to a new address.

All information maintained in permanent form regarding a youth in custody student, regardless of the source of the information, is an educational record for purposes of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act and is considered confidential student records. School records which refer to custodial status, juvenile court records, and related matters, shall be kept separate from permanent (cumulative) school records, but may still be requested and provided to various agencies as long as the records are legally and properly requested (R277-709-10).

For any additional information or questions regarding enrolling a YIC student, please contact the Student Support Services Youth in Care Specialist at 801-567-8328.

Foreign Exchange & Foreign Non-Resident Students

Jordan School District is able to accept students on F-1 and J-1 visas for full-year enrollment. Applications are accepted from host families who reside in Jordan School District boundaries only. When an application is accepted, the student is placed in a host family’s boundary school (or non-boundary school if a permit is approved by the desired school). 

All foreign exchange students must be approved by Planning and Enrollment prior to registration. Exchange student placements are arranged at least five weeks in advance of the student’s departure from their native country. The students are placed in the grade level in which they would be placed had they not left their country.

Student Guidelines

Length of Stay: Foreign non-immigrant and foreign exchange students may attend one full school year in Jordan School District. Students who participate in a J-1 program may apply to attend again in an F-1 program the following year. 

Tuition & Fees: J-1 students are not required to pay tuition if they are enrolled using a slot allocated to the District by the Utah State Board of Education. When slots are no longer available, J-1 students may attend if they pay the cost of out-of-state tuition or apply for and are granted a fee waiver by the Jordan Board of Education.

F-1 students are required under federal law to pay the unsubsidized per capita cost of tuition prior to receiving a Form I-20 authorization.

Both J-1 and F-1 students are responsible for activity and other fees. 

Host Families: Host families for J-1 students are arranged through the agency that is facilitating their exchange program. F-1 students are responsible to arrange their own host family.

Grades and Graduation: J-1 and F-1 students must pass all classes and maintain at least a 2.0 GPA. If J-1 students fall below a 2.0, the host agency is responsible for arranging and paying for tutoring services.

Both J-1 and F-1 students are eligible to graduate and receive a diploma if all graduation requirements are met.

Students who have already graduated or completed the equivalent of high school in their home country are not eligible for enrollment in Jordan School District.

English Proficiency: Both J-1 and F-1 students must demonstrate proficiency in the English language in order to enroll. 

Additional Services: Neither J-1 or F-1 students are eligible for special education, Section 504, or English language learner services.

F-1 Visa Students

Applications for students on F-1 visas seeking an I-20 form issued by the Jordan School District (or a transfer from a private school to the Jordan School District) will be accepted from early spring through June of each year for the following school year. No new or transferred enrollments will be accepted after July 1. 

Information on the application process, including the cost of tuition, is available at

J-1 Visa Students

Jordan School District accepts foreign exchange students (J-1 Visa) from the Council on Standards for International Educational Travel (CSIET) only. The Utah State Board of Education establishes quotas regarding the number of foreign students each secondary school may accept. CSIET organizations submit student applications to Planning and Enrollment.