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Manual: Procedures


Child Abuse and Neglect Reporting

School employees are in a position of trust and as such, are statutorily required reporters. If a school employee knows or reasonably suspects that a child is being abused or neglected (which can be physical, emotional, or sexual), the employee shall immediately make an oral report to the school principal or his/her designee (JSD Policy AS70 Child Abuse-Neglect Reporting by School Personnel).

It is not the responsibility of the school employee to prove that the child has been abused, neglected, or in need of protection, but only to support a reason to believe that a problem exists. Those who report the suspected abuse are immune from civil/criminal liability when reporting in good faith and may remain anonymous. Complete confidentiality must be maintained throughout the entire process. Employees shall not make contact with the child’s family or other persons to determine the cause of abuse or neglect. (Board Rule R277-401 and §62A-4a-403).

Report a suspected case to DCFS/law enforcement in a timely manner.  If the incident is reported to more than one agency, each agency that is notified shall receive both the verbal and written reports.

  • A verbal report shall be immediately made to DCFS (who will contact law enforcement) with any knowledge of, or suspicion of neglect.
    • Immediately inform a school administrator or designee.
    • Together, the school employee and school administrator or designee shall immediately report to DCFS/CPS.
    • The report may be made to a peace officer or local law enforcement agency in addition to DCFS/CPS.
    • The report shall be made by the person who reasonably suspects abuse, neglect or dependency; or to whom the student directly reported.
    • Upon concluding the verbal report, immediately complete the “Report of Child Abuse-Neglect” form (in the “Resources” section of this manual).
  • A written report (Report of Child Abuse-Neglect) shall be sent to Student Services (and any agency requesting a copy) within 24 hours of the verbal report.
    • The Report of Child Abuse-Neglect form shall serve as the written report.
    • Complete the "Report of Child Abuse-Neglect" form accurately and completely.
    • A school administrator or designee shall sign the form.
    • Send a copy through Secure District Mail to Student Services.

Place of copy in a file at the school (NOT the student’s cumulative folder).

Cooperating with Investigations

Utah law provides that law enforcement or DCFS are responsible for child abuse and neglect investigations, and school officials have a statutory duty to cooperate with duly authorized investigators. When an investigator comes to a school to investigate child abuse or neglect (as instructed by the Utah State Office of Education), please do the following:

  • Make sure the investigator is legitimate (some "child snatches" have reportedly been undertaken in other states by phony investigators); ask to see identification and if necessary, and confirm the investigator’s identity with the employing agency. Make a photocopy/electronic copy of the investigator’s credentials. Keep this copy with the completed "Notice of Investigation" form.
  • Formally turn the child over to the investigator, announcing in the child’s presence something similar to, “I am turning this child over to you in accordance with your request; you are responsible for taking any steps necessary to protect the rights of the child, the parents, and any other persons involved.” Some schools have the investigator sign a statement assuming those responsibilities.
  • Refrain from contacting parents, do not ask to participate in the interview, or any other action unless directed by the investigator. If the investigator asks for the administrator to be present; do so, but say in the presence of the investigator and the child, “I am here solely as a support person to the child.” Do not prompt the child or answer for the child. (Do not let yourself become vulnerable to liability which would not otherwise exist.)
  • If a parent calls about the interview, advise the parent that under the law the school may neither confirm nor deny that an interview has taken place, that all such investigations are the responsibility of the Division of Child and Family Services and law enforcement, and that those agencies should be contacted if there are any questions.

School personnel at all levels must treat any information that they receive related to a child abuse investigation with confidentiality, beginning with the initial contact by the assigned investigator.  This is all confidential information regardless of the nature of the abuse or suspected identity of the abuser.  This approach will leave the responsibility where the law places it, and will allow early intervention efforts to protect children (R277-401-3).

Subpoenas: On occasion, a district employee shall receive a subpoena for student records and/or testimony. In these rare circumstances the employee shall immediately notify their principal or Administrator with a copy of the subpoena or notification from the court. The principal or Administrator shall then shall contact their Administrator of Schools and/or Planning & Enrollment for guidance on how to proceed (JSD Policy DP340).

When a record is subpoenaed, only provide what already exists - we do not create new records or provide written/verbal statements of support to one party.

CASA Volunteers: If a CASA volunteer (Guardian ad Litem) visits your school, ask for proof of ID and have them fill out the same form as a DCFS worker.

Graduation, Early Graduation, Diploma Status

To obtain a Utah High School Diploma a student must successfully complete the required academic credits, or in some cases, is awarded a Certificate of Completion or a differentiated diploma that is consistent with state laws and the student’s individualized Education Plan or Section 504. Regardless, all seniors who either completed the school year, exited, or aged out, need to have a final status reported to the State.

This is done in the Skyward system on the Student Profile screen and the Entry/Withdraw tab. All exiting seniors need a diploma status, a graduation date and when necessary, an exit code entered in Skyward at the end of each school year. A memo is sent out near the end of the year as a guide with any new information, deadlines and the codes that are used. In general:

  • Students who receive a regular graduation status at the end of the year; the exit code can be left blank and the diploma status, the graduation date and the exit code will be automatically entered in The diploma status codes include:
    • GR – Graduate; those who have passed the civics test
    • GP – Graduation Pending; those who have not passed the civics test
    • GQ – Graduate with additional mathematics competency
  • Students who remain at the school until the end of the year, but do not receive a regular graduation status; the diploma status, graduation date, and exit code (if necessary) shall be entered by the school. The diploma status codes include:
    • AO – those who aged out of Special Education
    • CT – those who were awarded a Certificate of Completion
    • DO – No graduation codes apply even though the senior finished the school year
    • G3 – those who obtained a basic diploma and whose IEP team has determined that the student’s participating in statewide assessment is through the UAA
    • GC – those who obtained a Carnegie Diploma
    • GG – those who will obtain a GED before the completion of the school year
    • GM – those who obtained a basis diploma and satisfied criteria for military children
    • GP – those who will continue their education in Special Education
    • RT – those who are a Retained Senior (special education students only)

 Summer Early Grad Scenarios 11th Grade

  • Best case – If the student graduates on or before June 30 of their 11th grade year, the registrar can go to the Entry/Withdrawal tab before Year-end State Reporting (around July 7), and exit the student as an 11th grade early graduate. Enter an exit date one day after the last day of school, with the exit code of “11”, and enter all the necessary graduation information on the Profile tab.
  • If the student graduates on or before June 30, and the registrar does not find out until after Year-end State Reporting, the registrar can go into the Skyward system, change the student’s grade to 11th grade, and enroll the student for one day with an exit code of 11 for the current school year. Be sure to enter the graduation information on the Profile tab.
  • If the student graduates after June 30, but before the first day of their 12th grade year, enroll the student for one day with an exit code of “Q1”. Be sure to enter the graduation information on the Profile tab with a "GR" and the date of graduation.

GED Withdrawal Notes: If a student withdraws to go to an Adult Education facility (such as Southpointe) to obtain a GED, withdraw the student with a withdrawal code of “AE” (in the Entry/Withdraw tab) and leave the Completion Status (in the Profile tab) blank.  Once the student has obtained a GED, change the Completion Status in the Profile tab to “GG”.

If a student withdraws to obtain his GED without attending an Adult Education program, withdraw the student with a withdrawal code of "GED“, and leave the Completion Status blank in the Profile tab, until the GED has been obtained. Once the GED has been obtained, change the Completion Status in the Profile tab to “GG”.

If a student obtains his GED while he is attending High School, withdraw him with a “GED” code on the Entry/Withdraw tab, and enter a “GG” code in the Completion Status on the Profile tab.

Withdraw/Promote to South Valley School: Before Summer Promotion (before the roll-over in July) the student should be retained and pre-transferred.  The current school receives a list from South Valley or Special Ed informing them which students will attend 802 the next year.  The current school needs to:

  • In the Student Profile screen, click Edit, change Retained to “Yes”
  • Change the NY Grad Year to 8888 (Grade 13)
  • The Grad/Dipl Sts: should be “RT-Retained Senior”
  • Go to the School Path tab; manually override the student to school 802
  • Do not enter any other graduation information such as Graduation Date or Degree Type

After Summer Promotion (the roll-over) if the student’s profile information shows as graduated, and there is no entry record for a student showing at South Valley, the student should be pre-enrolled at 802.  South Valley can call the registrar at the high school and have the student’s graduation information corrected or removed and verify the withdraw date as the day after the last day of school. South Valley can then pre-enroll the student:

  • Pre-enroll using the first day of the next school calendar
  • Change the student’s grade to 13 and the Grad Yr to 8888
  • Make the status on the Entity tab CY-Inactive and NY-Active

Once the student has completed the program at South Valley school they may receive a certificate of completion. If a student chooses, they may also go on to Southpointe High after attending South Valley and receive an actual diploma. A student may also age-out of the program at 22. If a student leaves the program before the end of the year, they would receive a corresponding code such as TO or TS.

Home School

A student should register for home school prior to being withdrawn from the boundary school. Students may be withdrawn from the boundary school for home school once the boundary school receives the notarized and stamped Annual Home School Affidavit from Planning and Enrollment in Student Services.

To enroll in home school, the custodial legal parent(s) or guardian(s):

  • Complete a "Home School Affidavit".
  • Provide the boundary school with a copy of the notarized affidavit and then withdraw their student from school (if applicable).
  • Will receive a Certificate of Exemption within 30 days after filing the home school affidavit with Planning and Enrollment.

Home school students who enroll in public school half-time or more shall render their Home School Affidavit and home school status null and void. To re-enroll in home school a new Annual Home School Affidavit should be completed using the steps above.

To attend home school full-time, the student must be withdrawn from public school. When enrolling in Skyward as a dual enrollment student (part-time public school/part-time home school), the Skyward codes are as follows: “Current Status” is “Active”, “Student Type” is “HT” (Home Taught), “Status” is “Part-time” and “% Enrolled” is noted on the Entry/Withdraw tab. 

Other Information About Home School: Students can maintain their Home School status and be dual enrolled in a public school as long as they are home schooled half time or more. K-12 online schools such as those through Alpine, Tooele, Provo, Davis, Uintah, Washington, My Tech High or the Utah Virtual Academy Charter are public schools accessing public school funding and are not home schools. 

Students who are in public school more than half time and have less than half time school at home require a "Student Request for Release Time" form, which should be completed at the school. Students remain enrolled part-time at the school. A Home School Affidavit is not required for released time.

Home school students returning to full-time enrollment at a Jordan District school are placed according to the “Grade Placement” guidelines, under the "Enrollment" section of this manual.

Home school curriculum is the sole responsibility of the custodial legal parent(s) or guardian(s). Resources for home school curriculum and other information is available online at the Utah State Board of Education website.

Home School students who want to participate in UHSSA activities may do so at their boundary school (per the Utah High Schools Athletic Association).